灿烂的她[预告片]是由徐伟执导,惠英红,刘浩存,张子贤,刘欢,苇青,刘奕铁,胡宝森,廖银玥,葛四,鄂靖文,荣梓杉,余皑磊,钱锦,李祉默,林源主演的一部预告片。主要讲述了:慈祥宽容的奶奶(惠英红 饰)与十二年前意外走失的孙女(刘浩存 饰)重逢,祖孙二人从生疏到彼此依偎。相处期间,她们身上的秘密也逐渐被揭开。最终奶奶拯救了这个本对人生不抱希望的“孙女”。
Great art collapses the time and space that separates us from its moment of creation. It made us reimagine the world and ourselves in countless unanticipated ways.The rush of emotion that can connects us with the enduring and the profound.Those thing spring less from the officious demands of state and the status hunger of the rich, than they do from the unruly urges of gifted artists to make something for everyone, as unmistakable evidence of the best things our species is capable of creating, things have been made by the liberated thought, the acute vision, and the unquenchable creative fire of our shared humanity.